At Gordon Agencies getting new landlords on board here in Sunraysia or Interstate is very important to us.
Here at Gordon Agencies we manage a large number of rental properties and ensure we manage the property as if they are our own. We welcome new landlords to become part of our growing business. We have a great working relationship with our landlords and we never forget that we work for them, and ensure they always have the final say on their own investment property and what they want done with them, whether that be the tenants who go into them, the work and maintenance that is done, terms of leasing, etc.
Our quality tenants, who are very much respected, are also ready to help keep and maintain the properties as if they are their own.
Our team always works together to do everything possible to provide the best service possible.
If you are interested in our services, what we can do for you and your rental property, our staff will happily help with any questions you may have!